I am assessing nvq’s in care. I hold nvq level 4, however this is in management. Do you need to have the qualification in care to assess, or is it just having the correct level nvq regardless of the content?
Judith Dudley
Judith Dudley
I am assessing nvq’s in care. I hold nvq level 4, however this is in management. Do you need to have the qualification in care to assess, or is it just having the correct level nvq regardless of the content?
Judith Dudley
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3 Responses
NVQs and sector competence
As best I can recall you need to have ‘sector competence’ in order to be able to get a licence to assess in a particular subject area. This does not mean you have to have an NVQ in management to assess management NVQ candidates but you would need an equivalent qualification and/or experience. In some topics, and I think Care is one of them, you may need to demonstrate occupational competence and have a relevant qualification, and be currently working in that field.
Those qualified as NVQ Assessors can apply to the relevant Awarding Body (eg Edexcel) for a licence to assess candidates up to a certain level.
The best bet is to seek the advice of the awarding body.
Hope this helps
Assessor qualifications
I have just read your email and will be pleased to offer you help and advice with regard to your question. In summary, however, the best thing to do is to get hold of the assessment strategy from Skillsforcare (ex TOPSS). It is quite prescriptive in terms of occupational competence, qualifications and experience required to be an assessor/IV in Care. All new NVQs have the assessment strategy and you can find them on the Edexcel website if the centre guidance is posted on there.
Hope this helps.
Competence + assessor award
My understanding is that, for the time being, assessors don’t need a care qualification but do need to demonstrate occupational competence and work towards/hold the assessor award units.