I'm new to the site and would like a little help please.
I have been asked by my manager to come up with some objectives for Monday and i'm struggling.
I've been asked to come up with objectives for the two following topics:
Business Objectives - For current role or for a role you are aiming for
Personal Objectives - (Personal to you, including outside work)
I work in a customer services environment but only deal with external customers via email. I would ideally like to aim for a more senior role, for example be in charge of the team and deal with complaints. I'm not sure what business objectives to set. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, with the personal objectives I don't know where to start.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
2 Responses
Hi Drable
If you Google SMART you will find more info but this might also be useful as it is the guidance I am given when writing performance objectives…
General Guidance
Steve has covered most of it in his very helpful reply. I’ll just offer a small qualifier and some further tips.
Sometimes the business objectives are not as clear as they might be. Sometimes your boss is not clear what he or she is there to do, and is not clear with you either. And sometimes you find yourself in a job where the measurable outputs are not as obvious as they are in other jobs.
If this applies to you, don’t worry you are not alone. A good place to start is to ask yourself what is the ultimate business benefit of my role: why does this role exist. Then work back to identify what it is that you do that contributes to that outcome. Then apply the SMART principles that Steve has mentioned. Just sketch them out at this stage.
As a futher health check ask yourself:
– what is the most important thing I do?
– what is the most difficult thing I do?
– what is the most common or frequent thing I do?
– what else do I sometimes do, or perhaps should do, that really adds value and has an impact?
Now go back and refine your objectives. But do try and keep them to a manageable number (eg 3-5) ruling out those that are of lower priority. When you present them, write the most important/impressive one first and finish on the one that is most personal.
Best of luck