I would appreciaite advice/comments about various learning and development occupational standards for generalist trainers. I am entering a period of desk research which will hopefully enable me to identify which standards are best to relate to in terms of training best practice.
Thank you in anticipation.
Peter Braidwood
Peter Braidwood
Thank you in anticipation.
Peter Braidwood
Peter Braidwood
3 Responses
CIPD & Training Foundation info
Just to clarify: ‘training best practice’ does not indicate if ‘training’ = training delivery ONLY or whether it encompasses the whole learning & development cycle. Clarifying this may assist in getting relevant information.
Firstly, please review the CIPD’s qualifications. The starting point is their CTP, a modular programme which informs trainers about the whole training cycle (e.g., training needs analysis, design, delivery, evaluation) rather than merely focusing on training delivery. Another certificate is available for eLearning.
Further to this, part of the CIPD’s professional qualification scheme has modules directly relevant for learning professionals, e.g., management development, elearning, strategic HRD, managing a training function.
The Training Foundation is noted for their two certifications: TAP (trainer assessment programme) certification is the most popular and promotes a particular training delivery approach. They also offer the new CeLP (Certified eLearning Professional).
The Institute of IT Training promotes the TAP certification, but have various materials that are relevant for IT training delivery.
The Training Foundation and the CIPD are definitely the two most popular and should be a good source for information on training best practice.
Occupational Standards
These sources may be helpful to you if you have not yet considered them:
“The International Board of Standards for Training, Performance and Instruction (ibstpi) was founded as a not-for-profit corporation in 1984. Its mission is to improve individual and organizational performance by articulating and promoting the integrity of professional practice through research, development, definition of competencies and education.”
Mapping the Future: Shaping New Workplace Learning and Performance Competencies
“As the leading association of learning and performance professionals, ASTD has played a key role in defining the competencies required for successful practice in the profession. In order to keep pace with our ever-changing field and to position the profession for future success, ASTD has commissioned a new competency study, Mapping the Future: Shaping New Workplace Learning and Performance Competencies.
This hallmark study will identify the drivers of change in the field, the competencies required by today’s successful practitioners, as well as the emerging competencies required by successful practitioners of tomorrow. The study will include the international representation.”
Hope this information is useful. Best wishes for success in your research.
Scott G. Welch
CAVU Performance
Learning & development Quals
These awards have been developed on the L&D standards, designed by the ENTO (formerly the EmploymentNTO). They offer numerous NVQ or certificate routes (clusters of NVQ units) designed for people delivering work-based training/learning (WBL). It is expected that they will shortly be announced as the goverment minimum qual for those delivering Goverment Funded WBL provision and ‘Sucess for all’ publication recommended 5 of the awards as the minimum that should be expected.
if you require any further info, do not hesitate to contact me tgt.training@btinternet.com