I am currently studying for the CIPD CTP and have chosen to explore an issue within my organisation concerning OJT. Buddying, meetings, group sessions all take place however none of it is recorded in a Training context – only Off the Job. Due to the nature of the business (Local Government) it seems the most effective training/learning is achieved this way ie. procedures, processes, legislation. Can anyone reccomend or suggest an effective recording method? that could perhaps be incorporated into a PDR process and illustrate ROI?
Michelle Nickless
Michelle Nickless
3 Responses
Isn’t it about outcomes?
Does it matter that you record OJT? Why make life difficult for yourself?
Surely what matters is outcome?
I’m dealing with the same issues, this time for a sea port operator – most of the training for operators is on the job – practice using the equipment, lots of safety issues etc, and operational tempos that make recording anything a bit of an issue – and in such circumstances how can you rely on the quality of the data that is recorded?
What I’ve done is to establish very clear, very defined and explicit standards of performance and competence.
There is some class room training to cover underpinning knowledge, and supervised practice after.
Then it is time to do it for real. It is not easy to directly supervise learning and operations on the job for a number of practical and safety reasons.
What is measured is the level of competence during specific points of the training. Where trainees are behind the expected learning curve, they get extra tuition after an analysis of likely problem areas.
The evaluation of performance/competence uses this very clearly defined standard, using a formal written knowledge test and an observed assessment. A feature of the assessments is the extent to which the trainee is certain about answers on the written test and reasons for doing things in the observed assessment. Being unsure about answers is discouraged by the scoring scheme, so to pass the competence standard requires the trainee to be very certain.
Evaluation after the formal training and practice period is done using Brinkerhoff’s Success Case Method.
Having worked in Social Services as an OD advisor I feel confident a similar approach can work in parts of local government.
I hope this helps.
a different outcome to the same approach
Martin’s excellent comment below is pretty all encompassing and I can think of only one aspect that may add value…
If you trained your people to use a Learning Log that they completed regularly, as appropriate, it would provide a record of OTJ learning as well as helping the people to recognise and value the learning that they are otherwise gaining intuitively.
There are many examples of learning logs available but my advice would be to design your own really simple one, set aside regular review times and train your trainees and their “Nellies”*(where appropriate) how to use them effectively.
*As in learning by “sitting with Nellie”
Yes to learning logs!
Picking up on Rus’s comment about the learning logs, allow me to share a recent experience with you.
The context is a development programme for first line managers. Last year we ran 4 of these residential sessions, training approx 60 first line managers, those deemed in some regards to be ‘the top 60’. We didn’t provide learning logs for the delegates.
I attended as a delegate a global leadership programme with a major ports operator after helping to deliver the first line manager programme. A structured learning log was part of the material provided, with time and encouragement given over to its completion. If there is one document from that course that nearly all my fellow delegates still refer to, it’s that learning log.
On this year’s first line manager programme I introduced the learning log. This remember is to those managers deemed to not be ‘top 60’ – we did those last year.
The quality of the learning, the attitude towards the course and learning, outstrips that of the previous year. Sure, other factors will be at play here, but the response and reaction to the learning logs has been very positive.
Some 15 delegates from last year attended the middle manager programme this year – due to promotions – nice! I introduced the learning log on that programme too. The response was very positive and quite specific.
In terms of impact the change in behaviours with both groups is quite stark compared with last year. A number of delegates have instituted changes in behaviour and process in the first 30 days after the course that are having sizeable effects in reducing operating risk – one in particular is affecting the training and operations of 28,000 people worldwide. I can’t quantify the value directly as it is about the identification of a health & safety risk and its mitigation. This isn’t down to the learning log, but the learning log has helped foster an attitude and understanding that has led to this outcome being developed about 3 times quicker than we’ve seen in the past.
I’m sure there are many examples of learning logs. The one I’ve used, with client details removed, can be found on my web site at http://www.5boxes.com/resources under the tools section.
Good luck