I am currently writing a report about On-line Learning. I need some definitions of what people beleive on-line learning is and also some statistics about its past, present and future. If anyone has any useful websites that they can recommend, or any other sources of information, I would really appreciate some help.
Tara Bradley
Tara Bradley
4 Responses
On-line learning resources
At the end of January 2000 eLearningEurope.com will be launched—I strongly recommend this free online forum for all interested in online learning issues. Please email me at redmonds@croydon.sri.co.uk for more details.
In the meantime, Cisco have created an excellent introduction to eLearning at:
..and SRI has been conducting a research program looking at the develpment and impact of the new online learning industry:
Rob Edmonds
On-Line Learning Resources
Some of the educational software developers have useful papers and topics about online learning. Look at:
Others of interest may include:
http://www.outreach.psu.edu/de/ide wherein an Emerging Set of Guiding Principles and Practices for the Design and Development of Distance Education are ’emerging’. Contains some useful stuff.
If you care to send me your email address I’ll send you a copy of an article by Gundwhardena that is a comprehensive coverage of this relatively new topic.
A slightly different twist
To add a slightly different angle to the concept of on-line learning, there is a growing interest (tho still relatively small) towards email-based coaching/mentoring as a means of personal or professional development. Whilst this is often reinforced by some telephone or face-to-face discussion, it is proving a time and cost-effective means of working with a professional coach/mentor. If you are interested in pursuing this further we can put you in touch with coaches/mentors working in this field – including an Australian-based coach with several UK clients. You can find us at the Coaching & Mentoring Network at http://www.coachingnetwork.org.ukor telephone 0870 733 3313
Overwiew Online Learning/Interested in exchange?
For a general overview I recommend you:
“An Overview of Online Learning” at http://www.lakewoodconferences.com/wp/
Another helpful resource for orientation are congress’ on this subject, e.g. TechLearn, Online Educa, Online learning…
If you’re looking for more detailed information, look for the infoworld archive: http://www.infoworld.com
If you need more information/links, you are welcome to contact me.
As I’m writing my dissertation about this subject, I’m interested in an exchange with you or other readers interested in this subject.
I’m especially looking for overviews/classifications of this subject, statistics, market analysis/research (contentware, authorware and/or learning management systems) and information on software testing.
My email is: acge@stud.uni-sb.de