Online workshop: Creating a Learning Resource Centre
Tuesday 7 November 2000
13:00 GMT
Both the recent growth of e-learning and an increasing realisation that there is a huge burden of cost and time involved with releasing staff for classroom-based training off-site have meant that creating a Learning Resource Centre for employees is becoming a more and more attractive option.
But setting up such a centre can be easier said than done. There are lots of issues to be explored during the planning stage:
- What sort of room should you use, what size, and how should it be furnished?
- What sort of computer hardware should you put in it?
- How do you go about getting management buy-in for the centre?
- How do you market it to managers and to staff to ensure it gets used regularly?
- Perhaps the most difficult question of them all: how on earth do you decide which of the plethora of internet-based sessions, CDROMs, books, videos or tapes to make available?
This session will be devoted to shedding some light on these issues. Do come along and share your thoughts, whether you’re looking to set up an LRC or if you’ve already done so and are able to offer advice based on your experiences.
Tuesday 7 November 2000
13:00 GMT
Both the recent growth of e-learning and an increasing realisation that there is a huge burden of cost and time involved with releasing staff for classroom-based training off-site have meant that creating a Learning Resource Centre for employees is becoming a more and more attractive option.
But setting up such a centre can be easier said than done. There are lots of issues to be explored during the planning stage:
- What sort of room should you use, what size, and how should it be furnished?
- What sort of computer hardware should you put in it?
- How do you go about getting management buy-in for the centre?
- How do you market it to managers and to staff to ensure it gets used regularly?
- Perhaps the most difficult question of them all: how on earth do you decide which of the plethora of internet-based sessions, CDROMs, books, videos or tapes to make available?
This session will be devoted to shedding some light on these issues. Do come along and share your thoughts, whether you're looking to set up an LRC or if you've already done so and are able to offer advice based on your experiences.