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Open Learning


Please can anyone point me to a good website with information on Open Learning. At this time I am not really interested in particular packages, rather more about setting up an Open Learning Centre, pros and cons for both learners and organisation, etc.

Maureen Bancroft

4 Responses

  1. I would be interested in any info you get!
    We have recently introduced more open leanring materials to our course catalogue.
    I would therefore be interested to know any information you discover.

  2. Information on Technology Based Training
    Have you visited the DfEE Technologies for Training website at You might find some useful information there plus links to other sites. Otherwise our Guide to The Use of Technolgy in Training contains a lot of useful information.
    Email me at [email protected] if you would like further details.


  3. Try University for Industry
    The University for Industry is setting up learning centres all over the UK they have various guides


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