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Opportunity for Trainers, Consultants, Business Advisers to work with growing business software Company


Milestones International is based in St. Andrews. A visit to our web site will give you a flavour of our activities and establish our credentials to produce business planning tools.

'Marketing for Results' is the first module in our 'Action Management' series, and we have medium and long term development plans for related modules. The programme is currently in CD-ROM format together with supporting hard copy 'Workshop Notes for Participants/Course Leader'. We are currently in discussions to provide the programme for on-line learning in the course of this year.

We have distribution contracts for a number of countries around the world. In the UK, clients include Scottish Colleges working with SME's, firms of Chartered Accountants, Consultancies, Trainers, and individual businesses.

We invite those working with SME's in particular, and businesses in general, who would benefit from having a user friendly, sustainable, interactive tool which is suitable for all business sectors, and crucially isresults oriented, to contact us to discuss links, distribution opportunities, or partnership.

Please e-mail or fax in the first instance with current activities and location.

Graham Christie
Milestones International
23 School Road
St. Andrews
KY16 0BA
Fax:-01334 870087

Graham Christie