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Organisational Learning Project


The Local Government Management Board is running the Organisational Learning Project from which this information is drawn:

The Organisational Learning Project aims to improve organisational learning in local authorities and their partner organisations by applying insights from complexity science and systems thinking to teamwork, change management, innovation and service improvement.

The Learning from Complexity project is for anyone who:

* is interested in the ideas emerging from complexity science.
* wishes to develop their own Tools for Learning
* wants to expand their own range of ideas and approaches to learning and change
* wishes to help others do the same
* is prepared to be an active learner

This is likely to include policy staff, strategy staff, training and development staff, managers and team leaders, management development and organisation development staff, consultants [internal and external]


* policy and strategy
* training and development
* employee development
* involvement and partnership initiatives
* economic development
* environmental issues
* community initiatives
* change initiatives
* management development
* organisation development


* To support the development of learning cultures which are able to cope with increasing complexity in local government
* To help local authorities respond flexibly to change by assisting them to develop new approaches to individual and organisational learning, development and training
* to support the development of 'organisational intelligence' in order to maximise the utilisation of the outcomes of training and development, at all levels of the organisation.
* to develop and share good practice
* to support local authorities in developing new approaches to the role of the training function, which are integrated with the organisation's management and strategy
* to experiment with new technology-based methods of support where the advantages to local authorities are clear and the technology is sufficiently mature
* to assist the development of Tools for Learning by local authority staff.