We are currently reviewing our PM and reward processes. Part of this review is the identification of organisational values and behaviours. The behaviours will then be woven into employees’ performance objectives.
This is a BIG project and the project team realises it needs some help. Can anyone suggest a book, a training course, a very good consultancy etc. that would be able to provide some input to the project?
I have done a search within the Any Answers section which has provided some excellent information.
All andwers / guidance most appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Marcus Jenkins
This is a BIG project and the project team realises it needs some help. Can anyone suggest a book, a training course, a very good consultancy etc. that would be able to provide some input to the project?
I have done a search within the Any Answers section which has provided some excellent information.
All andwers / guidance most appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Marcus Jenkins
6 Responses
oh dear!
I’ll probably be hoist from the training zone yard arm for saying that this is exactly what I have done recently for a client…feel free to call me on 07812 170391 or rus.slater@homecall.co.uk or http://www.coach-and-courses.com
values in the workplace
Hi Marcus
as Rus says there are many of us out here that have been involved in implementing change based upon organisation re-alignment to values and behaviours.
From my experience I would say ensure that the values are really walked by senior people – consistently. Look at recent communications and policy changes – are these really in support of the values?
What is your time frame? to implement and re-align organisational culture can take years depending on the size and focus this activity is taking.
Watch-out for:
1) any inconsistencies at any level in management
2) managers that do not actively support all of your stated values & behaviours
3) any approach that does not look to providing exit plans for managers that cannot/ will not adapt.
The last point is important – it is about recognising that many are currently employed because they aligned themselves to the ‘old way’ and will not wish to carry on in the ‘new way’ – they may or may not recognise this yet.
Ensure that you have a multi-strategy and channel plan for the change.
Happy to share my experiences – Email me
How many values?
Hi Marcus,
good luck with your project. I was involved with a similar exercise when i worked for part of the Unilever group. one of the main, and most successful tasks, was to involve people at different levels in helping define the beahviours that reflected values at different levels. Ina way it made the PM behavioural assessment almost a tick box exercise. It took two weeks of my time (all other work delegated!) to create the document but was well worth the time. look internally you probably have many answers there! As a slight aside I was influenced by an article (can’t remember writer) that suggested there are only two values. Professionialism and Stakeholder delight!
If you want a chat give me a call or email.
Best regards
Sainsbury’s have had some fantastic success with this type of activity over the last 12-18 months – why not see if they would be prepared to let you benchmark what they have done. (Let me know if you would like an introduction)
Thank you…
Many thanks to all who have responded to my comment.
All the guidance, helpful hints and invites of assistance are much appreciated.
They have served to bring the project into context and it appears that in-line with all other change intiaitives the support of the senior management team is critical to its success.
I will follow up accordingly.
Thanks again.
Kind regards,
A recommendation
You could try talking to one of our clients, in a government agency, who could give you some thoughts from the client side. Or another in the pharma sector. Email me and I’ll pass on their details.