Our Consultancy is currently working on a new training programme, and we wish to change the way the package is presented. Does anyone know of a manufacturer who supplies presentation packaging suitable for training requirements? We’re looking at a filofax-style document, with rooms for audio tapes and a CD-rom?
All leads gratefully accepted.
Rachel Earle
All leads gratefully accepted.
Rachel Earle
2 Responses
try Emerald Design
Emerald Design in Manchester carry out work for us on a variety of print and computer based materials. They are very creative and have high quality standards. Ring Neil Cookson on 0161 907 0111 – he will tell you whether or not they can meet your needs.
Packaging for Training Packs
We have successfully used Margaret Fenton Ltd (in Leeds) in order to help us produce a number of the training products which we publish. They will usually create anything you require. Should you wish to contact them their details are as follows:
Nick Horsfield Tel: 0113 220 9000