I have been asked to provide a service which we are calling a PC Skills Audit and was wondering if anyone has done something similar and could offer me advice as to the best way to conduct it. I would basically sit down and observe an individual undertaking a variety of tasks on their PC such as creating a document in Word, moving around different applications etc and then provide training for them if I felt that they could use the PC more efficiently. Any thoughts/suggestions would be most appreciated.
Cathy Honey
Training & Development Officer (IT)
Cathy Honey
Cathy Honey
Training & Development Officer (IT)
Cathy Honey
4 Responses
There is quite a lot already on this site to assist you. If you run IT skills audit in the search facility you should get the answers to a similar post back in 1991.
If you need more then skills audit also yields more info out of the search box.
We hope this helps.
TBD Global Ltd
0870 241 4325
Skills Framework
Last year we interviewed Terry Watts of the E-skills NTO (now just E-Skills) about their framework:
That might be worth a look!
Best wishes
Ben Hawes
News Editor
PC Skills Audit
We carried this out a short time ago in the form of a “quiz” we sent out the quizzes and watched how individuals achieved the finished results on Word, Excel and PowerPoint. The feedback was good and the skill levels seemed to have been assessed correctly.
Initial Assessments
We carry out IT Initial Assesments for all our students to identify current level of IT skills and appropriate level of teaching/learning required.Happy to discuss this with you in detail as per e-mail below