I am about to structure a personal development file for all staff in the call centre where i work. The file needs to be generic. I was looking for anyone who has compiled anything similar. What areas did you cover? What did you think was important? Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Stephen Finnon
Stephen Finnon
2 Responses
We have a portfolio that includes the following: About (the organisation), including Mission Statement & Values; About You and Your Job; Your 1st Week (Induction Checklist); Your Ongoing Development; Personal Record Section (activity to assess level of competence); Values, Attitudes & Beliefs (activity to explore these). Updates and extra material is available on our Intranet site. Hope this is helpful.
When development really is ‘personal’
A couple of suggestions, Stephen
a. acknowledge very clearly to staff that you (and your company) regard personal development as genuinely ‘personal’, assuming that is the reality.
b. invite them to record their own personal story, written in the third person, as if it was being written by a friend who knows them really well. The writer to include an indication of the part that work plays in his/her life. S/he may find it useful to share the story with a friend in confidence.