Can anyone recommend a video(s) that cover one or more aspects of Performance Management?
This will be incorporated into a training session we will be running for first line management level – ie Team Leaders looking after teams of approx. 10 individuals.
Key areas I am looking to address are objective setting, creating development plans, appraisals, disciplinaries etc.
Any suggestions gratefully received.
Thanks very much
Lucy Marchant
This will be incorporated into a training session we will be running for first line management level - ie Team Leaders looking after teams of approx. 10 individuals.
Key areas I am looking to address are objective setting, creating development plans, appraisals, disciplinaries etc.
Any suggestions gratefully received.
Thanks very much
Lucy Marchant
2 Responses
Seven Dimensions
Last time I checked, Gower carried some of these products ‘over here’.
Usual disclaimers apply.
Try before you buy.
Scott G. Welch
video re appraisals
Hi Lucy
The humour is not to everyones taste-but I have bought the videos of ‘The Office’ from BBC Learning- in most environments it goes down really well & has innumerable learning points inrelation to appraisal, day to day communication, performance management, leadership behaviour and more….