I am designing a personal development course, which is aimed at self motivation and positive behaviour. Has anyone ever designed a course like this? Does anyone have any tips or ideas?
Caroline Coulson
Caroline Coulson
I am designing a personal development course, which is aimed at self motivation and positive behaviour. Has anyone ever designed a course like this? Does anyone have any tips or ideas?
Caroline Coulson
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3 Responses
yes I have Caroline
…it’s the course I run of the same name – if I name it I may fall foul of the Ts&Cs here – but there is some information on my website.
Or you can email me.
Personal Success and Motivation
There is quite a lot of training material around this subject on Trainers’ Library (www.trainerslibrary.com). Hope this helps.
Is it half full or half empty?
I’ve got a fun little exercise along the lines of ‘is it half full or half empty’ which you could use as an ice-breaker. Let me know if you want it.