How can I support Managers and employees to establish their PDP’s and also maintain them as live documents?
rodney powers
rodney powers
How can I support Managers and employees to establish their PDP’s and also maintain them as live documents?
rodney powers
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2 Responses
PDP support
Dear Rodney
Not sure what your role is but if PDP is originally created with the individual and includes things that they are choosing because of their own interest, then it is a live document already because the individual’s motivation is ignited at the beginning. Regular reviews will help to keep the light burning. I guess the key is finding items to fit their PDP that fits with their personal goals as well as the organisation’s goals.PDP’s have to link in with their personal goals … we all work for our own reasons as well as for the organisation’s reasons … !
Hope that makes sense. Let me know if I can assist further. Good luck.
Hiya Rodney. I know that AAT now have CPD information via e.learning. Perhaps that is a source of help? Why not check it out? Or contact me at South Leicestershire College, for a chat.
Judith Proctor