I’m running a short employability skills course for unemplyed adults and will be addressing personal hygiene as one of the workshops. I have some material but would be grateful for any ideas or suggestions. Thanks
Jane Morrison
Jane Morrison
I’m running a short employability skills course for unemplyed adults and will be addressing personal hygiene as one of the workshops. I have some material but would be grateful for any ideas or suggestions. Thanks
Jane Morrison
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4 Responses
Personal Hygiene materials
Jane, A good resource if you have not already tried is Highfield Publications. http://www.highfieldpublications.com
Dead link
“The requested URL could not be retrieved.”
Try http://www.highfield.co.uk
Impressions count
Little things count and general hygiene is one of these. Often we are unaware of what is offensive towards others. Some people have a distinct sour odour due to their oils on their skins. These problems can easily be eradicated by using natural products. Most of us use fragrant soap/shower wash, shampoo, then on top of that deodorant perfume, aftershave, moisturisers and al these fragrances clash. You come out smelling either like an orchard, rose garden or dog house. By using non-perfume products and then maybe a little dash of perfume or after-shave should do. If you do have a very strong odour by using lemon juice and salt as bath scrub helps the skin’s acidity.
Not only should the person be aware of nails, hair, beard but his/her standard of dress. Clothes need to be fresh and clean. No visible signs on your clothes of what you had for breakfast. Clothes should be ironed/pressed.
Every body should follow a basic skin routine. Splash your face when waking up with cool water. Men should shave. The stubble might look good at night but not in the morning for work. For some people beards are still seen as offensive or that the person is hiding behind or from something Hair should be tidy and neat. If you do have longhair for a man it should be tied back. In women they have a lot more options in choice but it should form around their face shape to enhance the facial features. Men nowadays not have an excuse. There are many products on the markets that are specifically designed for them. If you do have a residing hair line either keep your hair short or use a toupee’. Dental care should not be ignored. It is quite off putting when you are interviewed and smile with bad breath and teeth. The first sign for bad breathe is often from bad teeth. Have this check. Should you enjoy eating spicy foods eat fresh mint or parsley to clear the breath. Hair in the ears should be trimmed. and the nose.
The most important factor is that you want to create a good impression and first impressions count. Should you required further information please contact me at style.advert@iname.com or 01903 745661 BusinesStyle
Personal Hygiene Workshops
This is not so much a workshop, but an opportunity to see just how dirty one can get during a short period of say a morning.
Put sticky plasters, of the fabric kind around the nails on each finger.
Exercise daily routine, typing, writing, making tea, feeding dog – whatever it is. See just how dirty the plasters get. It’s a shock sometimes to see just how grubby we can get with even the most menial tasks, so might emphasise the need for washing of hands (if nothing else)!