Title: The Learning Styles Questionnaire – 80 item version
Authors: Peter Honey and Alan Mumford
Publisher: Peter Honey Publications
ISBN: 1 902899 07 5
Date: 2000
Price: 10 to 19 copies (minimum 10) £6.50 (other prices for up to 5000+)
Format: A4 paperback, 60 pages
Title: The Learning Styles Helper’s Guide
Authors: Peter Honey and Alan Mumford
Publisher: Peter Honey Publications
ISBN: 1 902899 10 5
Date: 2000
Price: £19.95
Format: A4 paperback, 70 pages
Title: Learning Log
Authors: Peter Honey
Publisher: Peter Honey Publications
ISBN: 1 902899 11 3
Date: 2000
Price: 10 to 19 copies £4 (other prices for up to 1000+)
Format: A4 paperback, 27 pages
Along with Peter Honey’s new web site (www.peterhoneylearning.com) come new and updated versions of the internationally, well-known and long lasting booklets concerned with ‘Learning Styles’ and supporting material. The booklets are presented on good quality, art paper in A4 format and the series, in part, replace the original Manual of Learning Styles.
The first-named now contains an introduction to learning and learning styles; the learning cycle; the 80-item Learning Styles Questionnaire; learning style descriptions; score key; understanding the results; choosing learning activities to suit your learning style; getting help and support from others; keeping a learning log; norms for the LSQ; and questions and answers about learning styles. The intention is to provide learners with their own copy of the material rather than with photocopies (no longer acceptable).
The Learning Styles Helper’s Guide is intended for use by trainers, educators and development advisors alongside the LSQ 80 item version and contains seven sections – setting the scene for learning styles; background information about the LSQ; matching learning activities with learning styles preferences; using learning styles in training programmes; learning styles and PDPs; the implications of learning styles for managers; and norms and other statistics for the LSQ. This booklet does not include the LSQ itself.
Both these publications, and others produced by Peter Honey are available either in booklet form or electronically. The LSQ electronically will be a 40-item version.
The Learning Log contains four sections – an introduction to learning from experience; about the learning log; the Learning Log, containing 10 log pages; and reviewing and implementing your learning log.
All the booklets are very professionally produced and well up to the standard of publications that we have come to expect of Peter Honey. Few trainers with experience will not have heard of the LSQ as it has been used worldwide for many years now, the general norms being based now on 3500 people who have completed LSQs, the most useful people comparison instrument I have used.
Clearly defined learning objectives *****
Variety and approach *****
Trainer guidance *****
Overall value *****
Universal practicability *****
Clarity *****
Usability *****
Value *****
Leslie Rae
December 2000