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Ciara Cunningham

Aurion Learning

Marketing Manager

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Practice what you Preach: Keep Learning.


As L&D and HR professionals, it is in our DNA to help others learn. However with an increase in organisational learning needs and squeeze on staff, budget and other resources, how can you ensure that you also stay on top of your learning game?

In this blog post, we look at the importance of practicing what you preach and consider the benefits of informal learning.

Keeping up with the Jones’

We are acutely aware that it’s simply not enough to be content with what you already know. However in the quest to operate effective training and HR departments, keep up with the demand of learning services, whilst doing more for less –status quo can easily suffice. That is of course, if it wasn’t against our learning DNA. 

In order to reach your maximum potential, you must endeavour to learn and increase your knowledge and avoid professional stagnation.

Whilst there are a varying degree of learning styles and although nothing new, informal learning opportunities can help to attend this must. For the past three years, Aurion Learning has hosted a series of Masterclass events throughout the UK and Ireland. Like many other informal workshops and seminars, these practical sessions have proven to be a popular forum to discuss L&D strategies, with hundreds of learning and HR professionals gaining inspiration about the best way to improve learning and development within their organisation.

What’s more, these informal learning settings allow learning devotees to take the time out of their busy schedules to pause, reflect and most importantly learn.

Next month, Aurion Learning will host another free-to-attend Masterclass: E-Learning Journeys on Thursday 10 October in Glasgow.  This half day event will provide an opportunity for learning professionals to come together, learn, share experiences and discuss their learning and development journeys so far.

As well as gaining actionable tips and inspiration, attendees will hear from a range of public, private and third sector organisations and learn how they have implemented online learning with blended classroom practice.

The benefits of taking part in informal learning:

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” 

- Benjamin Franklin

Although keeping up with industry news and latest developments may seem to be just one more thing to add to your ever growing to-do list, there are several benefits to taking the time and energy and partaking in informal learning:

  • Collaboration

When engaged in collaborative learning, you are able to get the most out of each other resources and skills by sharing information, ideas, experiences and asking for feedback. During our informal learning session, Masterclass E-Learning Journeys, participants are provided with numerous opportunities to take part in collaborative learning through practical workshops and interactive panel discussions.

  • Learn from others:

If you are always on the look-out to improve learning and development in their organisation, there are a number of ways to seek out this need through mentoring and work-shadowing. This learning technique allows you to seeking advice from those whose techniques and skills that you wish to equal. By participating at sessions like the E-Learning Journeys Masterclass, participants can seek guidance and recommendations from like-minded professionals.

  • Update knowledge:

When you’re busy at work it’s easy to lose sight of what’s new. Whilst most organisations requiring a particular amount of professional development, as a learning professional you need to ensure that you are up-to –speed with what’s happening in your industry, whether it is a necessary requirement or not. Thankfully it is easier than ever to participate in learning.  During Masterclass: E-Learning Journeys, Aurion Learning will present the latest trends and insights in learning technologies as well as imparting actionable tips and strategies to improve learning and development.

  • Enjoyable and engaging

Having the freedom to spend days acquiring knowledge and new skills would simply be impractical. However, by dedicating some time in your diary periodically to take part in collaborative learning, you will reap the rewards, especially when you are learning about something you love as it then becomes fun and enjoyable rather than a chore.

Interested in getting involved in some informal learning?

You can register-for-free to attend Masterclass: E-Learning Journeys - #ELJ13 by clicking here

The event will be held on Thursday 10 October from 9am – 1pm at The Lighthouse, Glasgow.

Let us know what you think about collaborative learning or share with others that you think would benefit from this post.  Follow us on twitter @aurionlearning for our latest blog articles and updates.

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Ciara Cunningham

Marketing Manager

Read more from Ciara Cunningham