Garry Platt poses the question very eloquently in his comment on our Crystal Ball gazing feature currently on site – which leads me to ask the question: What do members think is the next big thing in training? Post a comment here on on our feature or email me at and we’ll compile your thoughts!
Here’s the link to our feature:
And here’s the question that Garry poses:
“I wonder what the next ‘big thing’ will be in the training field, the next ‘must do’ trend that will sweep all before it? From my perspective none of us has yet expressed or hinted at the next vogue issue; merely rehashed what we already know and believe.
“Anyone who can successfully identify what this might be or even create it and climb on board early will be able to ride a potentially very lucrative commercial wave that is likely to run concurrently with the beginning of the end of the present recession.
“Any ideas what it might be? I don’t think any of us have put our finger on it here.”
Many thanks for raising this Garry.
Susie Finch, Editor, features
Susie Finch
Here's the link to our feature:
And here's the question that Garry poses:
"I wonder what the next ‘big thing’ will be in the training field, the next ‘must do’ trend that will sweep all before it? From my perspective none of us has yet expressed or hinted at the next vogue issue; merely rehashed what we already know and believe.
"Anyone who can successfully identify what this might be or even create it and climb on board early will be able to ride a potentially very lucrative commercial wave that is likely to run concurrently with the beginning of the end of the present recession.
"Any ideas what it might be? I don’t think any of us have put our finger on it here."
Many thanks for raising this Garry.
Susie Finch, Editor, features
Susie Finch
3 Responses
My Guess
Emotionally Intelligent Unleashing the Ardvark within Life Empowering NLP Coaching ©
It’s a wild guess!
Mr Platt, with these ideas you are really spoiling us!
Now IF I thought I really HAD got a handle on the NBT, which, as the prescient Mr Platt points out, would allow me to “ride a potentially very lucrative commercial wave” I would be very unlikely to announce it here for all to steal!
I suspect that the NBT may be different for differing industries/sectors; here are my suggestions:
~Public Sector; Recruitment; sorting the enormous responses to recruitment ads
~Financial Sector; Balanced Scorecard; how to balance risk with appearing to stimulate the economy.
~Energy Sector; Communication; spinning the dichotomy of accusations of profiteering with rising fuel poverty.
~Retail Sector; Outplacement!
~Charity/NFP; Time Management; how to do more and more with less and less
~Training and Development professionals; ROI and influencing; Convincing the board to keep investing in L&D
Meerkats not ardvarks?
Surely you meant meerkat, not ardvark Garry?
On a serious note – do we have to take the meerkat route, and be ever more quirky in order to stand out? Incredibly, Mr Meerkat has several hundred followers on Twitter.
Trevor Gay in his TrainingZone simplicity column debates ‘information overload’ and Mike Morrison has written on TrainingZone about delegates use of mobile phones – so one thing that will continue to challenge trainers, I’m sure, is how to keep delegates’ attention, when they are increasingly stressed and distracted, and may still be scrolling through work inside their heads if not drectly on PDAs, laptops or phones.
It’s something that I feel will challenge all of us in 2009.
To read Mike’s article about mobile phone use go to:
To see what Trevor Gay has to say about the texting generation go to:
or Nigel Paine on the hyper-connected: