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Pricing a Masterclass for Redundant Employees


Would you pay... and how much would you pay for a one or two day Masterclass on jobhunting skills for employees facing redundancy?

I've written a number of books on career management and job hunting and have recently been contacted do do some 'guest slots' at seminars for job seekers who have been made redundant.

As a result I have decided to put together a pogramme for a 'Masterclass' for up to 20 people, which spans one or two days. The workshop would be funded by the employer. This is a new venture for me and the $64,000 question is what should I charge?

I'm familiar with all of the marketing strategies on pricing; Nothing has an instinsic value - anything is only worth what someone will pay for it. Do I price based on what others are charging, what I can get away with, my costs plus a reasonable margin... or what?

My initial thoughts are £995 for 1 day (less than £50 per person) and £595 for the additional day. (The reaction from some of my network is that these prices are too low and they are considerably less than I have charged for development workshops in the past. But I'm conscious that employers who are making people redundant are understandably tightening their purse strings and I want to charge a fair price).

I'm not attempting to compete with outplacement, 1:1 career coaching or govenment schemes, but to offer something in addition.

I really would appreciate any feedback on this either by email or through the forum. I know the skeptics will say that I'm trying to do some pre-marketing by doing this; but this is not true. I'm simply an author sitting at his desk asking for some candid advice from fellow my HR / L&D professionals.

Sincere thanks in anticipation.


Malcolm Hornby

2 Responses

  1. competing
    Hi Malcolm
    Sorry but you are competing with outplacement……I worked in the field from ’92 to 2000 and all the major players ran 1 and 2 day jobsearch workshops; I ran 22 consecutive one day “masterclasses” for one client alone!
    I believe that many Jobcentres do similar using local training providers.

    Whilst they aren’t (one hopes) based on YOUR book they will be your competition.

    I hope this helps


  2. What to charge for redundancy masterclass
    Hello Malcolm – I have both commissioned and delivered similar events and, like Rus said, you are in competition with a number of other providers. Here are my thoughts which I trust you find useful. I would pitch the price at what you consider to be fair for your time (a proportion of the prep and delivery) and which gives you what you consider to be a fair profit. I am not sure why you would charge more for the first day than the second – there is perhaps good reason – however, I would suggest you package it as one price for a 2 day programme if that’s what you go for. Personally I think 1 day is probably enough as a group, followed up with some one to one time. In addition to the general advice and guidance in my experience the area that most individuals really need help on and value is the support in preparing their own personal CV. Good luck with the project.