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Professional Bodies


I am trying to put together a comprehensive list of professional bodies most favoured by trainers. I would like this to include major benefits and cost. Do you belong to more than one or do you not see the point of joining? Can you help?
Liz McConnell

17 Responses

  1. Professional bodies
    I assume you are seeking personal answers. I am a Fellow of the CIPD and a Fellow of the ITOL (Institute for Training and Occupational Learning). I subscribe and value these Fellowships as they are public (clients!) recognition that I have a professional status and also give status to my name when allied to the books I have written and had published. As I am interested in training and development as a whole, not just a discrete area (eg IT) I feel these two bodies reflect the widest training spectrum.

  2. professional bodies
    The Institue of Training and Occupational Learning is trg based and friendly – the website is good for contacts, jobs and tenders. I like the journal as it looks at the application of training across avariety of fields. Cost about £90.00

    CIPD is too expensve and doesn’t really cover the needs of trainers – we seem to be viewed as second class citizens. Also the website doesn’t give you access to articles on-line.

    Chartered Institue of Management – although the institue only covers training as a sideline there are lots of management issues covered and therefore training ideas for us. The best thing here is the on-line database of articles which is really good for research work. Cost about £90

  3. Institute of IT Trainers
    As someone who’s primary interest is the IT side, I’ve found that the IITT is one of the best. It certainly helps with selling myself.

    Others like CIPD etc, have training, but don’t recognise the skills that I already have without me having to cover a lot of other things, not directly related.

  4. IITT Confirmation
    Agreeing with Michelle – and the even better option with IITT is that you don’t have to start from scratch if you are already a professional IT Trainer, you can take refresher sessions.

  5. IITT
    I am a full member of the IITT, membership costs start at £50 and the IITT proclaims to be ‘the IT training industry’s leading professional body’

    Have a look at

    I have had quite a few work leads through the IITT, and I consider it compulsary to be a member, especially if specialising in IT.

  6. IT training professional membership
    Like others who have offered feedback, I find the Institute of IT Training to be a worthwhile organisation to join. We have encouraged individual membership, and have also achieved team accreditation, which is a valuable benchmark of what we offer, and where we need to develop further. With so much emphasis on competencies and accountabilities since the ILA fiasco, I think it’s really important for anyone involved in IT training to consider joining – in the near future such evidence of professional membership will be essential.

    It’s a personal preference. I belong to CIPD which, despite some criticism levelled at it by trainers, does have some training activities and is influential. The Forum for Technology in Training is a very helpful organisation. ASTD give an American perspective (and is good value for money)


  8. prof bodies
    I belong to CIPD also the Medical Indemnity Register aswell as Backcare(formerly the National Backpain Assoc) as this is the only way as a consultant to keep up to date with changes in the feild. In my previous profession I was a member of ILAM and NSCA again for up to date information but also professional indemnity insurance.

  9. Professional bodies
    May I jusy clarify a point raised by David Medcalf who said that CIPD are too expensive. He quoted the fee for ITOL as around £90.

    Last July I paid a fee for CIPD membership of £93.00.
    Members can access a lot of material on line and through the branch structure have the ability to influence events.

    Comparable costs for value for money??

    Peter Cureton

  10. Correction – ITOL fees
    The current annual subscription rates for ITOL membership are as follows:
    Fellow – £82.00
    Member – £69.00
    Associate – £49.00

    Full details are on the public ITOL website at

  11. IITT Acgreement
    I can concur with those who have mentioned membership of the IITT as being benificial. It is certainly becomming THE boby for the setting of standards and compatiencies within IT Training. You should contact Colin Steed the CEO of the Institute as I am sure he will be more than willing to give you as much information as you require.

  12. IITT and BAOL
    I’m a member of IITT, which is for professional reasons, and think it does offer good value for money.
    As a specialist on Open Learning, it’s essential for me to belong to the British Association for Open Learning (BAOL) and this is by far the most proactive, friendly and helpful professional body, but obviously only relevant if you work in open learning. Other useful bodies are the Forum for Technology in Training and the e-learning network, but they too, are specialists.
    I resigned from the CIPD a year ago, as their requirements are too focussed on HR, and I got no benefits from membership – none of my clients asked for membership, or were even impressed that I had it. Magazine was getting boring, too.

  13. Professional Bodies
    The professional body that most of the trainers I know (including myself) belong to is the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD). I also belong to the Institute of Management and the British Quality Foundation. All these give me access to very useful information for my continuing professional development, networking opportunities and keep me updated and forward-thinking as a trainer. Huge benefits!

  14. Chartered Institute of Training
    Fred Olsen mentioned the Chartered Institute of Training. I have tried to find this through Google without success.
    Can anyone provide any more information?

  15. ITOL & AMED
    Dear Liz,

    I am served best by ITOL, currently an associate member but looking to upgrade. I find their journal and interesting and their website particularly of interest.

    I am also an affiliate of CIPD, but find this very HR focused and very expensive for what I get (a magazine of job adverts every fortnight is the best part!)

    AMED (association for management education and development) is also usefult with a good journal, though I’m not upto date on current fees
    14-15 Belgrave Square, LONDON, SW1X 8PS 0207 235 3505

    Also the British Institute of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (BIELT) offers good networking and professional development support across that field, though can’t find an address as the moment, sorry – they have a website though

    Hope it all proves useful and you’re not too inundated,


  16. professional bodies
    I am a member of CIPD and also MITOL. I get training tips from both and the insurance offered is invaluable as I am a consultant. Both cost about the same.