I am interested in any questionnaires which would help to profile team members (not Belbin). This would be the starting point for some team development work. Does anyone have suggestions/tried anything
Jenny King
Jenny King
I am interested in any questionnaires which would help to profile team members (not Belbin). This would be the starting point for some team development work. Does anyone have suggestions/tried anything
Jenny King
Jenny King
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5 Responses
EQ Training
In a previous position, we used WQ exercises to help profile Team Managers, however I’m sure you could use for all areas of employees just as well. Cant remember offhand who the author was but if you go to Amazon and search for EQ Exercises you caould prob find it
good luck
Team roles profiling
You could use pyschometric testing eg 16PF or Myers Briggs as a starting point to identify issues within the team in terms of personality. This can work well.
Sandra Beale MCIPD
Profiling a team
The psychometric tests (eg MBTI) are robust but do need qualified people to administer. Of that sort I would recommend the Margerison-McCann team Profile (www.TMSDI-direct.com).
Alternatively try the Strength Deployment Inventory (www.personalstrengths.com)
For a good choice of resources go to http://www.mlruk.com – you could use their MBTI ‘Just my Type’ exercise rather than a questionnaire or have a look at Emotional Smarts as an option on EQ if those are relevant. For a more holistic approach, try their Team Success Profile. Although I am not a great fan of it personally, it is exactly what you were asking about and some people do like it. It may no longer be available but is worth checking with MLR.
Team profiling
a great questionnaire to use is the Social Styles Questionnaire. It is easy and quick to use and team members can complete the questionnaire themselves in about 5 minutes. If you would like a copy please contact me on colette@yourlearningcurve.co.uk
Colette Johnson
Another useful questionnaire
You may also be interested in the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI).
This is a practical framework that can be used for understanding and valuing the different contributions of individual team members.
Profiles can be assembled for both individuals and the team as a whole; this can help to recognise potential strengths and blindspots.
More information at http://www.hbdi.co.uk