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Project management – the benefits of getting qualified


Training courses - and the qualifications which come as a reward for passing them - are essential to career progression in a huge range of industries.

This is especially true for those looking at a career in project management. After all, it is a career path which requires a whole load of skills to navigate successfully. In fact, a lot of managers might argue they are in a job where you can never stop learning.

Accredited training courses

When it comes to choosing a training course, it is highly recommended to enrol for a qualification that been accredited by an industry leader.

In the project management industry, this means searching for a course accredited by the International Project Management Association (IPMA) or one of its 55 member associations. Over the last decade, these associations have helped to certify more than 150,000 project managers across 50 different countries. Needless to say, its a well-recognised brand.


The IPMA has a four level certification process, commonly abbreviated to 4-L-C. This is recognised by employers of project mangers across the globe in a whole range of industries. Being officially certified by this body at any of these four levels is likely to be beneficial for any project manager's job hunt.

The entry-level qualification (IPMA Level D) is a fantastic feather for an inexperienced project manager to have in their cap. The Level C and Level B qualifications require three and five years of industry experience respectively, but will help project managers climb the career ladder. The IPMA Level A qualification shows that an individual can manage the most complex of project portfolios and is crucial for those hoping to reach the top of their field.

In order to reach any of these levels, candidates may benefit from taking courses that concentrate on more specific areas of project management, such as risk analysis or technical bidding and tendering. These stand-alone qualifications can teach valuable new skills and can prove to be very attractive to potential employers.

Member Associations

The Association for Project Management (APM) and the Project Management Institute (PMI) are the two member associations that British project managers are most likely to have heard of.

The APM is a registered charity with over 20,000 members, making it the largest of its kind in Europe. The British arm of the PMI has 3,000 members and holds regular events across the country. Both of these bodies host a wide range of training courses with industry-recognised qualifications up for grabs upon completion.  

The advantages of gaining qualifications that are accredited by recognised bodies are clear for project managers to see. These qualifications are typically seen as useful by employers internationally. These employers are confident that the bodies behind the exams have the knowledge and experience to create a full and thorough curriculum, so that those who pass the exams are fully up to scratch.  

The chance to take these exams typically only crop up a few times a year - so it's worth investigating suitable qualifications as soon as possible.  

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