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Project Management Training


I'm preparing a three-day training course on Project Planning & Control, and am looking for additional resources to use. I've reviewed the Fenman course, but it doesn't have sufficient depth on the technical side of project management, which is the area my client is particularly interested in. I've tried to get hold of the Gower "Training for Project Management", but that's currently out of stock. Can anyone suggest alternatives? The course is aimed at IT project managers.

Nici Aldridge
Nici Aldridge

2 Responses

  1. project management
    Try Alan Lawrie’s books, published by Directory of Social ChangeTel. 0171 209 5151 – latest is called The Complete Guide to Creating and Managing New Projects.

  2. Project Management
    Hi Nici,

    All the best with your Project Management Training. Have you taken a look at Michael Greer’s Website? If not, try :

    I find it a particularly helpful resource for project management development.

    In case you are interested – we offer training and consultancy interventions around soft and consultancy skills for IT personnel.

    Best wishes
    Sherwyn Singh


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