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Promoting e-learning


I have been asked to do a 10 min Powerpoint presentation on “Promoting e-learning to the police”, as e-learning is such a vast subject I would appreciate any tips on the fundametal issues that should be mentioned in such a presentation.
Lucy Morison

I have been asked to do a 10 min Powerpoint presentation on "Promoting e-learning to the police", as e-learning is such a vast subject I would appreciate any tips on the fundametal issues that should be mentioned in such a presentation.
Lucy Morison

4 Responses

  1. E-learning: Access and Availability
    The key issues about e-learning in my experience are:
    1 Convenience -learning is anytime and anywhere. Thus it permits access to training for all.
    2 Collaboration – allows tutor to identify learners’ needs and develop electronic resources as follow up to formal inputs. So can enhance formal inputs, not replace if required.
    3 Greater communication between peer learners
    4 Improves research links and access to research data
    5 Web-based learning facilitates development of one course but can implement a variety of resources so learners can utilise materials that suit their learning style and at time most productive for them
    6 Makes information more available for tutors and learners alike. Barriers to learning such as inflexible work arrangments, access to relevant resources in real time, lack of direction to information and the general unavailability of resources is reduced.

    The above are some general pointers but surfing will provide many and varied responses on this subject.

    Good luck

  2. Promoting e-learning
    Hi Lucy,

    Firstly, I would make enquiries to the person who has asked you to deliver this presentation. If necessary contact the Police and ascertain what the objective of the presentation is. You will need to know your target audience, their skill-set and knowledge level. Otherwise you may end up talking rocket science or teaching them to suck eggs!

    Not to repeat the previous comment, but if you cannot obtain the relevant information, I would suggest that you keep it generic. You are quite right about this being a vast subject, so use the old adage – keep it simple! Perhaps open your presentation with an overview of e-learning, Web based, CDROM, Instructor led and CAI (Computer Aided Instruction). Then discuss briefly the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning. I would suggest that twenty minutes would be more appropriate!

    It may well transpire that the Police are introducing an e-learning culture (do a search here in who’s who, key word ‘Police’) as there is at least one Police trainer here!

    If I can be of any further assistance, drop me a mail.

    Good luck!

    Kind regards,


  3. Presenting to the Police

    One of my colleagues presented to the various POlice forces on e learning at their national conference last year.

    The biggest thing we found was that e learning means something different to each force.

    The ability to deliver e learning varies between forces.

    The importance given to the subject varied from force to force.

    As the previous people have commented it will be necessary to define your audience and what their objectives are from you.

    Good luck, drop me an email if you want any more info

  4. Promoting e-learning
    eLearning is a tool that commonly fails because promotion identifies the benefits, but rarely identifies any of the issues (or problems) with implementation and take-up – it’s effectiveness therefore – for any organisation.
    The benefits of eLearning need to be expressed in your presentation, as identified by H. McCarry on 23/4. Can I add one of the other benefits is the cost saving – no T&E!
    But how about stressing some of the issues? If the issues are expressed in a manner that identifies solutions/resolutions/requirements, then you are simply presenting facts, and identifying honest and realistic expectations of what can be achieved and how.
    I know from being a part of a group implementing a Global eLearning strategy that one of the biggest barriers to effective eLearning, is the learners themselves and their managers. Commitment is essential – from both parties. You need to commit yourself to the learning, and your manger needs to commit your time to enable you to learn. Elearning is often viewed as something you can do in your spare time because it’s anytime anywhere viewing. Not so. Time needs to be allocated as much as face-to-face training does.
    Another issue is accessing the eLearning content. If those who are expected to learn are afraid (not able to use) the interface (LMS) that front-ends the system, then they stand no chance. Indeed a poorly defined front-end positively discourages participation. Potential delegates might just say, “Argh, I cannot be bothered, this is too tedious and I can’t ever get to what I want.” I have actually heard that! So those who might be fearful of the front-end need encouragement and maybe the promise that training will be given.
    Also how will those who have attended the training be evaluated? Will their managers know? Know how well they did? Will attendance be a benefit? What’s the benefit?
    Of course I have not mentioned change management. And I’ve run out of letters (nearly at the 2000 limit). Happy to chat on 0131 551 4654.