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Prompt Box – for when the ideas dry up!


An e-mail sent to TrainingZONE with an eye-catching moving logo alerted us to the website of Prompt Box On-Line.

Prompt Box Online is a resource for trainers containing icebreakers, energisers, analogies and brainteasers to build into training sessions and workshops. There are currently 300 ideas in the database, which is being regularly updated.

It's possible to subscribe to the service for 6 months for £35, or for a year for £55. Yearly subscribers will be able to submit details about the session they intend to run and number attending and receive suggestions for activites to use within 48 hours - could be useful if you are strapped for time!

A free one-day trial of the service is currently available. Prompt Box is also available in physical form for £49.

For further information, visit the site or [email protected].


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