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Proskills launches training calculator


Businesses interested in calculating the cost of not investing in training for staff can now use a dedicated skills calculator to see where improvements can be made.

Proskills Academy for Materials, Production and Supply, has recently launched its Predicator Calculator, aimed at helping businesses across its industries calculate the cost of not investing in training for staff. The Predicator tool is designed to help businesses identify where training is required and also where it has proved successful and is part of a range of products and services from Proskills Academy designed to achieve bottom line improvement through skills.

According to Proskills, companies are spending a fortune on training to increase productivity, enhance employee retention and reduce waste but investment in training needs to be in areas that will deliver the highest impact to a business yet not all companies measure the success the training has had on the company, and the cost savings that have been made.
The Predictor also allows employers to estimate where their current performance lies, highlights the gaps in performance for a particular job type and suggests where investment in skills training will add the greatest value.
For more information and to try the Predictor Calculator for yourself, click here.

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