How od you value training material. Assuming it is ‘copyright’ clear and yours to sell, how do you decide how to charge someone for it, especially if they want to own the copyright?
Lucy Tallis
Lucy Tallis
How od you value training material. Assuming it is ‘copyright’ clear and yours to sell, how do you decide how to charge someone for it, especially if they want to own the copyright?
Lucy Tallis
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2 Responses
Some Suggestions…
I haven’t had to value my work in the way you suggest but were I to do so I think I would:
1.) See if there are equivalent packages which can be bought elsewhere and their average cost
2.) Work out the value of my time spent on the project
3.) See if could bring 1.) and 2.) together in order to make the issue profitable
You say that you intend to pass on the copyright of your work – does this mean that you will be unable to adapt the material in the future for other users? If so I think a substantial premium would be required on top of any standard fee.
All in all though if you’re thinking of selling on your material sometimes the easiest way to find out what it’s worth is to ask the client what they would be prepared to pay for it.
What have you got to lose?
Hi Lucy
Firstly, Nik makes some good points, and one in particular that needs clarification – copyright.
The rule of thumb is that you can copyright the way in which ideas are presented (a book, a video, etc.) but you can’t copyright the ideas themselves. So, the main questions are:
1, Could you make money if you kept the copyright? If so, how much, ’cause that’s the base figure for your calculations.
2. Can you create a fresh set of training materials that present the same ideas but using different text, different exercises, etc.
If you can then you might charge less for the copyright, though as Nik says, you should take into account all the time you spent putting the original materials together.
If selling the copyright is going to be the end of the road then you should consider charging for both preparation time AND lost revenue.
REALITY CHECK: How much are your clients’ willing to pay? And how much do you want to make the sale?
If you WANT the sale, quote high but make it clear you’re willing to negotiate.
If you don’t care if you make the sale – quote what you think is reasonable and (diplomatically) let them know their only options are take it/leave it.
Good luck
Andy B.