Showing at the Training Solutions Show is a new business development game manufactured by Thinking Dimensions. Taking the form of a colourful board game complete with counters, cards, situations and questions, the Qualiteam Quest game, the activity focuses on all the key elements of implementing ISO 9000 quality standards in any business.
In addition, the game is a useful tool in promoting understanding of many business principles and good practices in a fun and experiential way.
The product is well made, colourful, sturdy and comes in its own box complete with more than 500 questions, 110 business situations and a range of scenarios that determine the success – or otherwise – of your business.
The game I watched in progress today certainly led to a high level of animation, some business conflict, and sharp business planning.
Price, per boxed copy of the game: £600
Further details from John Hudson, On Track International, Upwick House, Upwick, Albany, Ware, Hants SG11 2LA
In addition, the game is a useful tool in promoting understanding of many business principles and good practices in a fun and experiential way.
The product is well made, colourful, sturdy and comes in its own box complete with more than 500 questions, 110 business situations and a range of scenarios that determine the success - or otherwise - of your business.
The game I watched in progress today certainly led to a high level of animation, some business conflict, and sharp business planning.
Price, per boxed copy of the game: £600
Further details from John Hudson, On Track International, Upwick House, Upwick, Albany, Ware, Hants SG11 2LA