We are looking for information and guidance as to how to implement a quality management system that will be suitable for our small distance and e-learning training organisation, does anyone have any suggestions?
Ruth Bell
Ruth Bell
We are looking for information and guidance as to how to implement a quality management system that will be suitable for our small distance and e-learning training organisation, does anyone have any suggestions?
Ruth Bell
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One Response
Before you implement a quality assurance scheme it’s always a good idea to think about what you hope to achieve by its use.
For example you could take Investors in People (which has got better in previous years), its not bad at getting your people and processes in a row and moving forward on a business basis. And it’s pretty cheap (and often depending on the mood of your local LSC even free). But… there’s not much value in it from a client perspective because the IIP doesn’t hold much credibility or value in the eyes of most (not all but most) clients.
Or you could go the ISO 9002 route (or whatever number and letter combination they are going with at the moment) which is better recognised as a quality mark and generally better valued but more expensive and a tad inflexible.
Or you could use Matrix (a quality standard I admire but to be honest not in high demand from clients).
Or any other, so it would be better to start by asking your clients (or the clients you would like) what standards they value and what they would like to see you invest in.
Also some government departments require specific standards or for you to be working towards them so if your clients are in the public sector this kind of research is vital.