At the moment I am teaching languages at a large company in the Czech republic and am contemplating coming back to the UK to work in a training/teaching setting. However i do not know what qualifications are needed and if my teaching experience would be beneficial. On the academic side I have my degree in GermanStudies & Educational Studies, a PTTLs qualification and my TEFL Certificate but I also had 8 years of contact center experience in many roles including Customer Services, Sales, Sales Adminsitration, Fraud and Credit Operations. Is it possible to use this experience and my current qualifications to get a training job or do I need more specific qualifications?
At this moment I am applying for the Post Compulsory PGCE but I am not sure if this would be the right qualification for training work
Any advice would be appreciated
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corrected blog!!!re Qualifications Query
At the moment I am teaching languages at a large company in the Czech republic and am contemplating coming back to the UK to work in a training/teaching setting. However I do not know what qualifications are needed and if my teaching experience would be beneficial. On the academic side I have my degree in GermanStudies & Educational Studies, a PTTLs qualification and my TEFL Certificate which gives me some academic teaching options. However, I've also had 8 years of contact center experience in many roles including ;Customer Services, Sales, Sales Adminsitration, Fraud and Credit Operations. Is it possible to use this experience and my current qualifications to get a training job or do I need more specific qualifications?
At this moment I am applying for the Post Compulsory PGCE but I am not sure if this would be the right qualification for training work
Any advice would be appreciated
ps I noticed some spelling mistakes and tense errors in my original blog and i hate making mistakes