I am wanting to perform a “life skills” questionaire to the business. This will cover dsylexia etc, if employee wishes to divulge. This is so the training can be designed according to the candidates within the training environment.
Much Appreciated
stephen laverick
I am wanting to perform a "life skills" questionaire to the business. This will cover dsylexia etc, if employee wishes to divulge. This is so the training can be designed according to the candidates within the training environment.
Much Appreciated
stephen laverick
3 Responses
Discrimination issues
Dear Stephen,
Your posting lacks specifics -“This is so the training can be designed according to the candidates within the training environment”
Training should always be designed on this basis – do you mean you are trying to take account of learning disabilities or differing learning styles or what?
I’d recommend you take care not to fall foul of discrimination legislation when asking such personal questions.
Sorry if the question came a cross wrong or if this caused any discrimination issues, this was never meant to be the case, please accept my apologies.
To clarify the questionaire is to be handed to all employees to identify preferred learning styles( i am using honey & mumford at the moment, but it is quite lengthly) and if any learning difficulties needed accomodating.
Hope this clarifies the question.
Apologies again & Merry Christmas
Diagnostic questionnaire
Sorry but I am still unsure what you are trying to achieve. Is it about life skills, Basic Skills, learning styles, preferred learning methods or potential learning difficulties/barriers? And what will you do with the information?
If you are using the Honey & Mumford Learning Styles questionnaire then the results may be useful to the individual, and may be useful to anyone coaching them, for example. However, if you are developing some generic training (eg on Basic Skills) I am not sure how valuable the results will be even if you get beyond the confidentiality issues of retaining such information on individuals.
As to potential learning difficulties/barriers this is a very different matter and I would tackle it seperately. However, it is an important issue to address – if the employee is willing – particularly if you are wanting to help them with skills such as literacy and numeracy.
I would start by really clarifying what you are aiming to achieve and then work back to what data may help. Once you have done that then you can consider whether an off-the-shelf questionnaire is the best method (which it may not be if you want to find out about literacy) or whether some other approach may be more suitable.