I am writing a communication skills workshop for a range of delegates, and I would like to be able to talk about Jung’s ‘Analytical/Amiable/Expressive/Driver’ styles, with reference to individual learners’ pereferences. I am hoping someone will be able to point me in the direction of a cheap/free paper-based questionnaire which I can use in the session. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
4 Responses
Jungs Driver on Communication Styles
The link below gives you the details on the driver. See if its useful to you.
Thank you!
This is exactly what I was looking for – thank you so much!
Jung is not even wrong.
To paraphrase Wolfgang Pauli, Jung is not even wrong. His claims give rise to no testable hypotheses & have no empirical basis. Why bother?
On-line personal assessment questionnaire
Hi Gemma,
Being a generous Scot I am happy to make available to you a url from which your people can take our highly validated temperament assessment which will provide a 49 page personal report on the topic you wish to conduct. I think you will be amazed at the results which normally retail at £125. Why, well simply you get back what you give out. You can view some information here..
For the assessment url contact me here…