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I've got experience of developing and delivering training but want to broaden my academic understanding of training theory/tna etc. Does anyone know of a definitive book that guides you through this?!
Thanks very much.
Sarah Edwards

3 Responses

  1. Reading about HRD
    There are literally thousands of good texts about HRD. Any decent bookshop should have an introductory text that covers the HRD cycle and will include references for indepth reading.

    In the meantime, visit the following link where you will find a wealth of sound information and numerous links of value. The author, Don Clarke is a prolific researcher and writer (don’t know where he gets the time) and has some excellent material.

  2. try this book
    Training Interventions: Promoting learning opportunities (UK Edition)
    by Reid, Barrington

    is often thought of as a good comprehensive bible. Amazon have it.


  3. Great link Robin – but watch out…
    Robin Henry posted a great link in response to this question.
    A wealth of stuff (technical term) posted by Don Clarke. But it demonstrates the potential dangers of web based material.

    Who invented the learning cycle that, for example, Honey and Mumford’s learning styles is based on?

    Not Kurt Lewin surely? Didn’t David Kolb have something to do with it???

    Ahhh – but see what they say on the site and the model they paste in on his page.
    Try this link instead
    I’d go to the web to expand your academic understanding but look for more than one reference point and check the sources. Head for Google at and put in some terms about learning (get them from the previously mentioned link) and see what comes up. Save everything you find in Favourites and then go back and review them to find the best pieces.

    Start with
    Blooms Taxonomy
    Learning Objectives

    We use this exercise for our senior managers on ourf@sterclass and m@sterclass blended learning programmes to get them to understand more about our philosophies and their roles in the learning process

    Clive Hook at Clearworth
    Blended learning for people with a brain to catch