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Reading suggestions for non-managers



I'm currently putting together an internal library for staff to use for their personal development and I'm getting stuck on book ideas for non-managers, in particular areas around effective team work and dynamics and communication, as everything I come across seems to be aimed at Managers.

Can anyone make any recommendations please?

Thanks in advance


8 Responses

  1. Medina, Pink and Hay

    'Working it Out at Work' ~ Julie Hay ~ Sherwood Publishing

    'Brain Rules' ~ John Medina ~ Pear Press

    'Drive The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us' ~ Daniel H. Pink ~ Cannon Gate



  2. Getting Things Done & Be Your Own Career Coach

    "Getting Things Done", Harper Collins Business Secrets Series 2010

    "Be Your Own Career Coach", Pearson, 2013

    A shameless "puff" as I wrote both of them!

    Rus Slater

  3. Good book

    What got you here won't get you there – Marshall Goldsmith. 

    Strengthsfinder 2.0: A New and Upgraded Edition of the Online Test from Gallup's Now Discover Your Strengths – Tom Rath.

    Sho mover my cheese – Spencer Johnson – it's a LiHi book (love it or hate it)  



  4. Good books

    Should have been Who moved my Cheese? – too quick on the keys and slow with the eyes.

    Another I thought of – Assertiveness at Work: A Practical Guide to Handling Awkward Situations – Ken and Kate Back    

  5. And a few more…


    Some great suggestions above. Here are some of my favourites:

    David Kiersey – Please Understand Me (inclides a 'temperament sorter' questionnaire which is very similar to MBTI)

    Edward de Bono – De bono's Thinking Course (if only this stuff was aught in schools…)

    Goldstein, martin, Cialdini – Yes! 50 secrets from the scince of persuasion

    Emma Sue Prince – The Advantage: The 7 soft skills you need to stay one step ahead

    Peter Honey – Improve Your People skills

  6. Ben Goldacre

    Here's another one I finished reading last night, it's quite disconcerting.

    Stuart Sutherland – 'Irrationality: The Enemy Within'

    Here's the Amazon blurb which nicely sums it up.

    'Why do doctors, army generals, high-ranking government officials and other people in positions of power make bad decisions that cause harm to others? Why do prizes serve no useful function? Why are punishments so ineffective? Why is interviewing such an unsatisfactory method of selection?

    Irrationality is a challenging and thought-provoking book that draws on statistical concepts, probability theory and a mass of intriguing research to expose the failings of human reasoning, judgement and intuition. The author explores the inconsistencies of human behaviour, and discovers why even the experts find it so hard to make rational and unbiased decisions.'
  7. Thanks!

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you so much for the excellent suggestions. I will start to look into them all but if you do think of anymore please keep them coming!
