I have set up the training function for my company from scratch, coming into training for the first time just under two years ago. These two years have been challenging, exciting and frustrating in equal measures.
Our company distributes electrical products to other businesses through a network of ‘trade centres’ as well as from a central location. As a result, we employ 700+ staff throughout the UK across a diverse range of job functions. We are currently working towards I.I.P. accreditation.
All training to date has been designed, written and delivered in-house, this has covered such subjects as management development, sales techniques, appraisal interviewing, selection interviewing as well as induction and systems and procedures.
We now find ourselves in the position of wanting to benchmark what we have achieved against similar organisations, particularly ones who have been through similar experiences to us. We would like to share ideas and experiences – not steal anyone else’s work. We hopefully can give as much as we take away.
We have signed-up to an Inside UK visit for later in the year, but having found so few offering training & development as a topic for a visit, wonder if it will produce the desired result.
So, are there any colleagues out there (preferably in the southern half of the country) willing to invite us into their domain for a day and share experiences of the good the bad and the ugly? You, of course, would be more than welcome to pay a reciprocal visit to us at Hayes.
If you are interested, please get in touch.
Phil Knott.
0208 813 6883 / 0780 1216558
Phil Knott