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Religion and Belief: Respecting and Accommodating Religion and Belief in the Workplace


Title: Religion and Belief: respecting and accommodating religion and belief in the workplace
Editor: Faithwise
Publisher: BDP Media Ltd
Media: VHS/DVD
Price: £995, £1095 for both VDS and DVD
Reviewer: Tanya Cowin

This training package comprises a video supplied on both VHS and DVD and an accompanying booklet which suggests how the material might be used as a training resource - either as part of a diversity programme or as a half day session on religion and belief in the workplace. It can also be used as a self study tool.

The aim of the resource is to help to:

  • Improve understanding of different religions and beliefs
  • Explain the obligations of companies and employees under the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003
  • Demonstrate that accommodating faith and belief in the workplace is a key aspect of equal opportunities and diversity
  • Identify the types of behaviours that contribute to creating a climate of respect in the workplace

The video is split into three parts:

  • Meeting six individuals who discuss their religion/beliefs:

    The people interviewed discuss what their beliefs mean to them and some key facts are introduced regarding major festivals, sacred books, places of worship and diet

  • Exploring key adjustments that may be required at work:

    In addition to suggesting where adjustments may need to be made by the employer (such as prayer needs) this section also explores why employees should be sensitive to the needs of others (such as not offering treats to a colleague who is fasting).

  • Scenarios designed to trigger discussion and reflection:

    A few thought-provoking case studies. I would like to have seen more examples of these.

  • The video can be used in a variety of ways and the booklet provides a breakdown of the running time of each part to assist you in planning your sessions. It is also suggested that this is an opportune moment to review your policies!

    The 51 page booklet which accompanies the video is well presented and suggests a series of discussion topics. It grants permission for overhead projections and handouts to be reproduced. For each section of the video there is a selection of learning points.

    Having used the material as a self study tool, I believe that the objectives were met and I would certainly consider using this if I were devising a diversity training session.

    Review ratings:

    • Overall 4

    • Helpfulness 4

    • Layout 4

    • Value for money 4

    • Suitability for professional level All

    • Would you recommend it? Yes