The AI Advantage in L&D: A Strategic Guide
Discover where AI impacts training teams most, and what solutions are available.
Supercharge skill development through performance planning
Learn how to foster your people’s growth with continuous conversations and upskilling.
Reignite your apprenticeship strategy
Don’t let the levy go to waste! Download this helpful guide on all things apprenticeships.
2023 workplace learning trends report
The next era of business will not thrive without learning.
How the workforce learns – 15 things your learning culture needs to get right
This report looks at the specific actions you can pinpoint to create a more positive learning culture. Download to find out more.
Four ways every manager can create a positive learning culture
Engage your people and help grow your business with this guide from Degreed.
Challenges for adaptive learning in 2022
This guide explores why, in a hybrid working world, adaptive learning is the way forward for an effective training offering.
The 2021 Digital Learning Maturity Report
Download now for insights and best practices on developing your digital learning maturity model.
Research snapshot: The fully mature metrics practice
This research snapshot, carried out by Chief Learning Officer, explores the practices of the organisations with a mature metrics practice.
2022 workplace learning trends report
Discover the most in-demand skills for 2022 and beyond, and learn why power skills are now key in future-proofing your company.
Report: Measuring the modern learner experience
Real insight into L&D’s impact remains elusive. The eBook explores how an LRS can help.
Management readiness in 2021: leaving no stone unturned
In this report, Laura Overton shares guidance on achieving management mastery in the new era of complexity. Download to find out more!
Digital learning: Looking at it from the learner’s perspective
Do you know the expectations and perceptions of your digital learners? This study explores why this is essential for making better strategy decisions.
Closing the opportunity gap: The economic drivers for learning as a benefit
Now more than ever, learning leaders have an incredible responsibility to equip individuals with the tools and resources needed to adapt and grow.
Programmatic learning: A beginners’ guide to complex skills development
Increase Learning Engagement Through Learning in the Flow of Work (FLO)
Download this report to find out how you can open up learning to your people, wherever they are, in this digital age.
Learning is not an Island and neither is the technology that supports it
Sceptics still argue that people won’t use their own devices for work, but has anyone actually ever asked their people?
Getting to the end of the Line: LCMS
The learning and development in 2020 report
In this report, Laura Overton, Edmund Monk and Nigel Paine share their insights on how to focus on what matters most to you and your organisation in 2020.