Discover the five factors impacting the public sector skills landscape in this new report from TrainingZone and The Open University.
Nearly two-thirds (66%) of public sector organisations face skills shortages today, and 78% identify increased workloads on staff due to these shortfalls (The Open University 2024).
Exploring the repercussions of this workforce development challenge, this TrainingZone report outlines the five critical areas impacting the future of public sector skills. From regional disparities and recruitment crises to AI and emerging obstacles, these factors – collectively – show the depth of the problem and how we might solve it.
Written by L&D expert Jackie Clifford, this resource shares practical recommendations drawn from her 30 years of experience in learning and development across public, private and not-for-profit sectors.
The report also shares real-world perspectives and expert commentary from individuals working in and with different public sector organisations – including health, social care, local government and criminal justice.
Download the report today to learn more about the five factors impacting the public sector skills crisis.