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Retail Sales Training


Can anyone offer me advice, support or guidance on Retail Sales Training. I am looking to develop a programme for our Showroom employees and have a professional weakness in this area.



Steve Mosley

4 Responses

  1. Sales Success – Effective Targeting
    Hi Steve,

    We’ve recently produced a toolkit on sales team management – title above – which should shortly be available from the lbrary in Training Zone.

    I’ve done a quick check this morning and it doesn’t seem to be there yet, but it is also available from Trainers’ Library (

  2. Retail Sales Training
    I have run retail sales workshops for a number of major companies and would be more than happy to talk you through some of the things to consider. Mail me if you want any further information

  3. Out of the box blended learning
    We have developed an out-of-the-box and ready-to-run blended learning programme that covers sales through service, that is designed for trainers, who may not be experts in the topic, to pick up and run with quickly, using a blend of resources that include online learning, instructor-led sessions and workplace activities.