I have been running retirement preparation seminars for NHS staff for the last eight years. Is anyone with similar experience willing to share their expertise and resources with me?
I run a 3 day course which has five themes: coping with change; managing money; relationships in retirement; use of time; health in retirement. I have developed lots of individual and group activities and would welcome sharing these for mutual benefit.
Eddie Newall
I run a 3 day course which has five themes: coping with change; managing money; relationships in retirement; use of time; health in retirement. I have developed lots of individual and group activities and would welcome sharing these for mutual benefit.
Eddie Newall
3 Responses
Hi Eddie
I have a slightly different angle. I have just returned from London where I have been leading active citizenship workshops for retired people – usually 60 plus – on behalf of a national charity.Courses include volunteering,concepts of democracy and social inclusion and exclusion,lobbying,running meetings,media work, politics with a small p,surveys,working with others. Active Citizenship and Retirement go hand in hand. We also look at the prevailing demographics,grey revolution – or silver revolution – and employers like B and Q who place a premium on retaining staff over 55. Finally, some equality and diversity topics are covered such as age discrimination – in advance of new Euro directive – as well as sex,race and disability. I am running throughout this year on Saturdays at venues in Manchester,london and Leeds. Birmingham and Aberdeen are also being booked. You might like to sit in or shadow one.You would be most welcome
Thank you
Hello William,
Thank you for that information. We do include some of the issues you mention but I wouldn’t want to modify the present course because it is exactly as specified by the purchaser and is extremely well evaluated. If it aint broke …..
Pre Retirement Seminars
I have had several years expereance in pre retirement courses for employees of all levels with an earlier employer. (I was the Benefits manager tfor the company pension scheme)
The two day course was split into six sessions that included, pensions, finance and tax, state benefits, heath and welfare, voluntary working etc.
Although I attended a few of the entire courses my particular involvement was pensions. (2 hour slot)
These were excellant occasions and they gave me lots of satisfaction.
If you think I can add value please get in touch. email simon.david@towers.com