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Return to the UK?



Maybe this isn't the right forum for my question, but.. I have to start somewhere & I hope someone can point me in the right direction!

I've lived & worked in Europe since 1972, and 'now' seems like a time to return to the UK.

What I'm looking for is ideas, pointers, experiences of people who have:
a) moved (back) to Britain in the last few years;
b) set up an independant Training/Consultancy business.

Hope there's someone out there who has a little time to share!

Greetings from a sunny (but snowy) Bavaria!

Dave Bramwell
Learning Experiences
[email protected]
Dave Bramwell

2 Responses

  1. HI
    I have just started up my own freelance business. I will be happy to talk you through my experiences and give you some ideas.

    My phone number is 01772202967
    [email protected]


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