Employers should be on the lookout for increased absenteeism, warns a psychological health specialist, as a result of the four-day holiday.
Validium, which operates telephone helplines on behalf of UK businesses, says companies can “expect a rise in stress related absence primarily because families are having to spend more time together and equally, people with no family are on their own for longer.”
Executive Director Anne Payne said that, “Christmas is always a stressful time as we are driven to create a perfect time in our world. In the lead up to the holiday we become tired and pressurised as we try to finish up at work, shop for presents, decorate the home, and turn into ideal cooks. We don’t think about ourselves and when we finally stop to spend time with our families we are already wound up and it doesn’t take much for arguments and problems to arise.”
Payne said that “to help alleviate absenteeism companies, and people in general, should become more vigilant in recognising the stress triggers and deal with situations before a person takes time off.”
For their part, she added, employees should relax, eat and sleep well, and refrain from building up “unrealistic expectations.”
Validium, which operates telephone helplines on behalf of UK businesses, says companies can "expect a rise in stress related absence primarily because families are having to spend more time together and equally, people with no family are on their own for longer."
Executive Director Anne Payne said that, “Christmas is always a stressful time as we are driven to create a perfect time in our world. In the lead up to the holiday we become tired and pressurised as we try to finish up at work, shop for presents, decorate the home, and turn into ideal cooks. We don’t think about ourselves and when we finally stop to spend time with our families we are already wound up and it doesn’t take much for arguments and problems to arise."
Payne said that "to help alleviate absenteeism companies, and people in general, should become more vigilant in recognising the stress triggers and deal with situations before a person takes time off."
For their part, she added, employees should relax, eat and sleep well, and refrain from building up "unrealistic expectations."