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Role of the Manager books


I am putting to together an information pack for internal staff, and want to include a section on the 'Role of the Manager'. Does anyone know of a book or other source which they would recommend, thatI could use to research the topic.

Many thanks

Ben Morris

3 Responses

  1. The Successful Manager’s Handbook
    I would strongly recommend The Successful Manager’s Handbook. This is published by Personnel Decisions International and facilitates both in-depth reading and top tips pages.

  2. The process of managing
    Ben -If you will send me an e-mail message, I would be pleased to forward you a four page summary of the managing process that will be included in a book that I am currently preparing, directed at first-time managers. I have used it in dealing with business classes at the college where I teach and it seems to be helpful.

  3. Leadership in Management
    Dear Ben

    I have recently completed a working paper that looks at the role of leadership skills in management. It also extends to look at the role of a manager and includes an extensive bibliography on the subject. If you would like a copy please visit our web-site:

    or telephone +44 (0)1989 760705

    The title of the article is, ‘In Search of the Holy Grail: Leadership in Management’.

