I’m researching material for an article to appear shortly on TrainingZone and would be grateful if you could point me towards any good websites or online resources about methods, techniques and guidelines for the use of role play in a training/learning environment. I’m not looking for commercially produced games and simulations as there are plenty of these – more guidance for trainers about making the method work.
Tim Pickles
Tim Pickles
Tim Pickles
Tim Pickles
2 Responses
Role Playing Links
I have 4 or 5 role-playing links at:
Look under the heading of “Role-Playing”
You might also want to see why role-playing is a good activity.
See the one link I have on the same page under the heading of “Lecturing”
Trainers who use Drama & associated activities.
We’ve been using Drama for interpersonal and organisational development programmes for over six years. Its more than just Role-play and we use it for Appraisals, Health and Safety in the oil industry, Customer Service and many other topics. We’d be delighted to discuss our work with you or anyone who is interested. Please e-mail me at aim@aim-drama.demon.co.uk or check our website at
http://www.aim-drama.demon.co.uk. Chas Thomason