I will have a group of c 20 new IT salespeople to work with. In this session we will focus on developing confidence and conviction in the various types of preclose and close techniques. I am looking for an exercise which really instills the concept in people.
Michael Brown
Michael Brown
2 Responses
Closing the audience ?
Hi Michael it would be very useful to know the audience, product, thus are we closing on benefit to company or individual or do we show ROI or cost saving etc etc ….
Also your delegates ??
Experienced, novices etc & can they contribute to this excercise in terms of content or style ??
Happy to assist if useful
As with the previous post – you have to consider your delegates experience and the customers.
With inexperienced or new salespeople you will have to talk through the main closing techniques and possible set role play style exercises around this. Get the delegates to construct their own closes based on theory. Start with easy closes such as alternative and concession move on and the more difficult to master such as direct and assumptive closes
With more experienced sales people a ‘tell’ training session will be ineffective so faciltate a group discussion around closing techniques, and get the delegates to transfer there previous experiences into the new role and new scenario’s they are in
In either scenario what is vital in modern business is the pre-close throughout the sales process – its the old ABC cliche but it does hold true. Salespeople should be pre-closing the customer before during and after the important. I believe that it is increasing important to consolidate the sale before closing, so it is often good to get the group to brainstorm effective ways to do this.
Much of the confidence in closing is directly related to the quality of the qualification and matching of that – ultimately it will come down to the strength of your sales process
Hope this helps