I am looking for a vendor who can provide key account management training to my global sales force at locations throughout the world. Focusing on building relationships, account planning, and workshops to work on actual sales accounts.
Gail Keller
Gail Keller
8 Responses
I can provide the training you need
I can Provide the training you need. Please e-mail me and I will provide further details or visit my website http://www.DeltaMan.co.uk
Metis Training & Development can provide the solution you need.
Dear Gail
At Metis Training & Development, our consultants have delivered many sales courses covering Key Account Management and Partnering, as well as the complete sales cycle. Please view our web site at http://www.metisltd.co.uk, or contact me on 0161 875 0100, or via email on antony.dyson@metisltd.co.uk
We can help with your requirements.
We have the credentials to handle your needs. Please contact Ken Palmer immediately at practical.solutions@virgin.net or call on 07801385330
Sales – Key Account Mgt
We recomend
Chris Horsman
Octagon Consultants Limited
Tel:+44 (0)1234 709700
Mobile: +44 (0)7860 867362
Fax: +44 (0) 1234 709600
e-mail: chris@octagonconsultants.co.uk
Sales Training
Axis Consulting Partnership can provide you with your training needs – I personally come from a commercial Buying background and am well versed with the art of building client relationships and account planning and management. Please do contact me to discuss further on 01761 417704 or e-mail teresa.williams@ntlworld.com and I will provide you with more Company information.
Terri Williams
Global Training
Dear Gail
Do please contact us – The Success Group – we have experience of international assignments. We are probably at the forefront of relational account management training etc outside the US. We can design and deliver the trainings you require.
Look forward to talking with you.
phone: 01844 238775
fax: 01844 238814
e-mail: ei@ie-develop.demon.co.uk
kind regards
Maria Bennett
Your requirement for ‘Sales Training’
Hi Gail
Appleton Associates is a decicated sales development consultancy. We can help you meet all of your sales development requirements. Either visit our web site at:
or email me at the above address
or call me on +44 (0)1234 240904
I look forward to hearing from you
Tony Dimech
Sales Training
Dear Gail
Did you find the vendor you were seeking for your training needs?