I am researching on the challenge of training sales people who are having to make the change from selling traditional services to selling internet based services. For example, advertising sales people switching to selling the concept of advertinsing jobs, cars, houses etc on web sites rather than in newspapers.
Is it different? If so what are the differences? What problems are they likely to face? Where a company is retraining staff what are the key things they need to take into consideration? Any thoughts/help/ideas much appreciated.
Marilyn Davidson
Is it different? If so what are the differences? What problems are they likely to face? Where a company is retraining staff what are the key things they need to take into consideration? Any thoughts/help/ideas much appreciated.
Marilyn Davidson
One Response
Changing world of sales
This is a challenge that I believe every company will need to tackle. That doesn’t make it simple! It requires a shift of attitude, often a corporate culture change and re-skilling. It is not simply a matter always of simply asking the salesforce to sell ‘new products’. That said, the opportunities for success right now are enormous and the change does not necessarily need to be painful – it will largely depend on the company’s existing market place, their approach to market and their internal company culture.
I’m aware I haven’t said anything very tangible but I will be happy to talk with you in more detail by telephone. 0870 733 3313. I am a sales coach, working predominantly in the IT industry. I help sales teams and individuals undergo change and skills development to achieve their and the company’s objectives. Adapting to the world of the internet is a common cry that I hear! You may also want to check out the Coaching & Mentoring Network at http://www.coachingnetwork.org.uk– a web-based business of which I am co-founder – if you want to search for other professionals who may be able to advise or work with you on this.
Hope this helps!
Anna Britnor Guest