I am 28 and a retail manager, I so do not want to do this for the rest of my working life. Therefore am looking for a career change. I enjoy working with people, am not technical. Possibly looking to retrain. This much I know and now need advice as where to go next. HELP HELP HELP.
Vanessa Claridge
Vanessa Claridge
3 Responses
a place to start
Vanessa a good place to start would be the careers research and advisory centre on the link below
Training Options
Hi Vanessa,
I agree with the 1st response, in that you might seek careers guidance from CRAC.
As a retail manager I’d guess that you have loads of valuable skills that’d be useful to a range of employers (communication, team work, leadership, customer service…etc)
You say you’re not technical…?
IT skills are needed for many jobs these days so it might be worthwhile taking a basic IT skills course at a local college. It may also be possible to borrow ‘teach yourself’ type CD Roms from your local library, who will (should!) have a pc that you can use if you don’t have access to one otherwise.
If you were closer, I’d say come & see us as we would love to help you!
Good luck!
Trish Bradwell
Deputy Project Co-ordinator
Signpost Greenstead.
contact a career consultant!
I’m finding sessions at Bathropp Career Consultants in Swindon really helpful – 01793 485025